Thursday, February 4, 2010

Children At First United Church

At First United Methodist Church, children are recognized to be an important part of the Churches Ministry. Children give as much to adults as adults give to them. First Church is excited to minister to children through several activities and special events. There is a place for every child in a nurturing Christian atmosphere.

Questions about the children's ministry may be directed to Rev. Donna Hankins-Hull, Associate Pastor for Discipleship, 372-2256 or through email

Faith Travelers
• 1st through 5th grades

• Workshop rotation model: the same Bible story is taught in every workshop each week for a month with the children rotating from room to room

• Child-friendly multi-media workshops including an art workshop, drama and puppets, storytelling, movie theater, music and games, a TV Newsroom and a computer lab

• Meets during the Sunday School hour from 9:45 to 10:45 in the lower level of the church

Click here fo photos of the 2010 Vacation Bible School